For nearly 300 years, sustainability has been our method and a healthy planet, our mission. There’s a critical balance between conservation and development. One enables the other. In that same spirit sustainable energy is important to us. We’re doing our part to reduce dependence on fossil fuel and create opportunity for our communities to increase their tax revenue and lower residents’ electricity costs. WD Cowls is by no means a large producer of solar. Consider how we’re using our land in Shutesbury and Amherst. We’re now embarking on the same type of opportunity in Belchertown. Although there are residential developers who would prefer to see housing subdivisions on our land, we see differently. We believe the residents of Belchertown will, too. They’ll appreciate the increased tax revenue and lower energy costs. Conservation is central to our family’s legacy. So is being a good neighbor. We invite you to learn more about WD Cowls and our energy independence plan for all of us.
Our newly “on” 30ac Shutesbury solar field in the foreground and the conserved 3,486 acre Paul C Jones Working Forest in the background.